Pima County Flood Control District

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Reports


The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) reports shown below provide in-depth information on a number of important flood control and environmental restoration projects currently underway in our community. The Reports are posted in PDF file format. If you have not done so already, you will need to download and install Adobe System's free Acrobat Reader software to view the documents.

USACE Reports

Viewing the Reports

Some of the USACE reports are large. Project reports developed by the USACE are often large, comprehensive documents that provide detailed information on various aspects of the projects. File sizes for some sections of the reports are correspondingly large and thus may entail long download times.

General readers may wish to review either Executive Summary sections or introductory parts of the main reports. Appendices included in the reports typically provide more in-depth material on a specific aspect of the project, such as hydrologic considerations, geotechnical elements, environmental issues, cultural resource aspects, and so forth.

Public involvement and comment. Several of the USACE-sponsored projects in our community are in the initial plannng or conceptualization stages. Public involvement is crucial to the ultimate success of these projects and will help ensure that they meet the needs of the community.

Project reports listed here are often posted as "draft documents" and public comment and input on them is encouraged. New reports or updated sections will be added as a project progresses or as new information becomes available. Comments or questions on any of the reports should be forwarded directly to:

Los Angeles District of the USACE
Public Affairs Office, CESPL-PA
Phone: 213-452-3908
[email protected]

For general information about the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers visit the USACE Website. Also see the Los Angeles District of the USACE for more information about Arizona projects, project management activities, the planning process, public notices, and more.


We've prepared the on-line versions of the USACE reports using the PDF file format, viewable with Adobe Systems' Acrobat Reader. If you haven't already done so, you'll need to download and install Acrobat Reader to view the PDF formatted pages. Acrobat Reader is available free of charge and can be downloaded from Adobe Systems, Inc. If you already have Acrobat Reader, you're all set-- just click on the links shown to read the report.
Download Adobe Acrobat Reader
If you'd prefer to listen to a report--information on converting PDF files to audible speech is available from access.adobe.com
Converting PDF to audible speech


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We would like to hear from you! Please send any comments questions, or suggestions you have on this site to: [email protected] Gary Peterson, Principal Planner, Pima County Flood Control District.